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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

Regular price $59.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.00 USD
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Celebremos el día más largo del año y su noche más corta con un Summer Solstice

Me han pedido espacios más intencionales para conectar, reflexionar y sentir los ciclos del año. And THIS is IT. 



El Solsticio de Verano goes by a few different names - Summer Solstice, Litha, and Midsommar. Ocurre todos los años el 20-21 de junio en el Hemisferio Norte.  

The sun is at its full strength and potency at this time, which makes it a powerful time to bring projects to fruition and worship the blessings, healing, nurturing, and strength the sun brings us. It's a momentous solar occasion.

The ancient Mayans built their sacred sites, now found in Mexico, to align with the sun on the solstice and equinoxes, as did the ancient Druids with Stonehenge in England. Dem cool.

For modern witches, the Summer Solstice is a joyful time of celebration and abundance. This is a sacred pause in the busy-ness of the year when we get to shed our burdens, relax and share with people who match our frequency.



Cuidandonos. Self-care at the Summer Solstice is all about relaxation and filling your emotional cup. 

When we look at the astrology of the Summer Solstice, it's really a very sensitive and intuitive time. It marks the beginning of Cancer season and although the solstice itself is all about the sun, Cancer is the only sign ruled by the moon.

The season is a celebration of both of our luminaries - the sun, which represents daylight, joy, and playfulness; and the moon, which represents nighttime, intuition and emotions.

This dual focus on your inner and other lights makes the Summer Solstice the perfect time for some light-hearted and restful self-love.

There's always room for a raucous party that lasts all night of course but personally, I'm craving: (a) soulful and intentional movement to release, (b) seasonal mocktails and hors d'oeuvres to nourish, and (c) a restorative Summer Solstice ritual  overlooking the sunset to seal the deal. How 'bout you?



15 min - Grounding practice

45 min - Sacred movement lead by Método Vibra

30 min - Plant powered bites and sips

30 min - Solstice ritual lead by Mayi Carles



  • DÍA - Jueves 20 de junio de 2024
  • HORA -  6PM - 8PM
  • LUGAR - Mayic School HQ
  • DRESS CODE - Stretchy and light loungewear you feel comfortable moving in
  • COLOR - Yellow, gold, orange, summer colors
  • BRING - Your mat and water bottle


Limited spots available


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