Hola. Mayi Carles here!
For 15+ years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding creative entrepreneurs through the process of owning their magic, turning life’s hiccups into a story of triumph, and—most recently—remembering their bruja lineage.
I used to call myself “a tiny Panamanian artist,” even though deep down I knew I was not small. I am immense, infinite, limitless. I carry a memory from the future—one where I make a big impact, where I am abundant, where I feel deeply loved. It’s a foreshadowing of sorts, like déjà vu but forward.
I used to wonder: is it okay to be so much? To want all that? Am I being realistic? Should I be more grateful?
For far too long, I convinced myself I was better off pretending to be normal. Not because I needed to belong—I do belong; I belong to myself—but because there’s a thin line between admiration and envy, between inspiration and “Who does she think she is?” Provoking jealousy in others triggers my deepest trauma. I hate it—my entire nervous system goes out of whack when a fan turns into a hater. It hurts me psychologically and emotionally in ways I’m still learning to unpack.
So allowing the fullest expression of myself to emerge—even if it makes others uncomfortable, resentful, or insecure—is the work I’m here to do.
I get it now. Centuries ago, my ancestors were wild women—bonfire dancers, spiritual guides, herbal healers, mystics, oracles, seers, and alchemists. Then they were hunted, tortured, and burned.
The only way to stay safe was to camouflage—to forget the village, the circles, the wilderness, the sacred. To stay quiet.
Those threads of fear have been passed down through generations. Remembering who we are and listening to the messages—this is the pursuit. This is the journey. It’s not about playing witch; it’s about being magia.
So excuse me if I drop the diminutives. It’s time to come out of hiding. Y ser TODO. Le duela a quien le duela.
Studied Art in Scuola Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, Italy. Received a dual Bachelor degree in Communication Studies + Art Theory and Practice with a minor in Art History from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Completed a Masters in Art in Visual and Critical Studies from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois.
I am a certified Ceremonialists, and I’m currently training to become an ordained Ritual Priestess with Elsa Alegria and Elayne Kalila.
Have never submitted a resume in my life.
I've been featured on the cover of HOLA Magazine, U.S News, Huffington Post, CreativeLive, ArtfulBlogging, and almost all predominant local publications. And have also collaborated with world-renowned brands like Polo Ralph Lauren, Adidas, Roxy, Kielh's, Kate Spade NY.
I’m currently a proud brand amagdssador for Misi Home and Miele.
I've had the honor to design rainboots and the most adorable fluffy unicorn for Undercover.
My latest project, Beezú Mayic is a very special collaboration that brings together the wonderful qualities of Pima cotton, the fun and relaxed style of Beezú and my creative genius. This collection is inspired by Panama, its tropical vibes, enchanting creatures, rainforest-y feel and vivid colors. Every piece in this vibrant collection invites your child's imagination on a happy journey through our isthmus.
I live in tropical paradise with the love of my life David and our beautiful daughters Olivia and Emilia, and work in a lil' nook of a corner speakeasy-type studio filled with whimsical books, crystals, wall art, bunting flags, sacred oils, vintage toys, every color scissor imaginable.
My day dream is to build the most beautiful world-class sanctuary here in Panamá, where magic and psychology, ritual and therapy, ceremony and collective healing can coexist in a totally immersive experience.

- My real name is Maria Alejandra Carles Ferrer—but please, call me Mayi.
As a kid, I dreamed of becoming an immigration officer because I was obsessed with stamps. But the moment I realized I couldn’t wear pajamas to work, I quickly reconsidered.
- Growing up, I had the impression I was unsmart. At 37, I was diagnosed with dislexia and everything clicked.
I’m terrified of lizards and the ocean.
I’m pretty skilled at winning hypothetical arguments… in the shower.
I was raised by Pinky and the Brain in the background, so hence, my world domination aspirations.
Ever seen an extrovert with social anxiety? Look no further. Whenever I interact with too many people, I feel the need to take a 3 day nap.
I’m fucktous intolerant—a condition that makes it nearly impossible for me to metabolize other people’s nonsense.
In my car, it’s an entire concert: I play music, sing every part (lead and backup vocals), rock out on air guitar, and drum on the steering wheel. And wouldn’t dare turn off the engine before the song ends.
- My patronus is a unicorn. Obviously.
When someone is mean, I fantasize about releasing glitter into the air above their head, as a kind of “baptism of kindness.”
I once crossed the Canadian border inside a trash bucket. Ask me all the details. I love retelling that story.
I have zero patience for critics who aren’t willing to step up and do better themselves. If you think you can do it better, show us—otherwise, keep it quiet.
Elevator doors freak me out.
I carry a San Benito medal on me at all times for protection from bad spirits.
It’s a personal pet peeve when I eat the last bite of something without realizing it—no closure!
I’m a compulsive list-maker. I’ll even add tasks I’ve already completed just to get the thrill of crossing them off. Judge me, I can take it.
Sometimes, all I need is a hug from my husband, a comforting “everything will be alright,” and—oh yeah—I got you chocolate cake.
I’m currently co-creating my first oracle deck.
I’m much nicer when I love my outfit.
Ultimately, I just want to create beautiful things—even if no one notices.